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When dealing with Strings….

Strings are general, strings are tricky. Regular expression is a useful tool when it comes to string manipulation, it also generates problems. Writing your own rules requires extreme precaution. Below are some notes I gathered from dealing with Strings (specifically people data, names, addresses, .etc) at large scale.

1. Have you considered punctuations?

Apostrophes exists in people’s last name, street names and many proper names. So is dash, forward and backward slash. Does your RegEx match these? Should your output normalize them? Continue reading

The iphone is broken

First of all, I am not an apple hater. I’ve used iphone for a short period of time before, and I’ve done work on an Macbook pro. I understand the different design philosophy from apple, and I think I can live with it when I recently upgraded my 2-year contract with ATT. However, I have discovered (through the short period of time that I had with the device) that some of iphone’s function design flaws is outweighing its great aesthetic value. Today is the 3rd day I got my iphone 4s (I was using Samsung Captivate with customized ROM and Kernel before that, yes I am aware that I can Jailbreak my iphone but for iOS5.1.1, jailbreak is not release yet)

1. Automatically drop wifi when locked (to save power).

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